Sustainability Grants  

The city of Vernon recently launched its 2020 Sustainability Grants Program is awarding small grants to encourage community participation in sustainable actions. These grants are meant to act as an incentive to accelerate sustainability projects. Small grants up to $1,000 will be available as an incentive to accelerate sustainability projects led by Vernon residents, youth, non-profit organizations and community groups. The projects should support, help achieve, or improve sustainability goals including: Ecosystem & Ecological Conservation, Energy Conservation & Greenhouse Gas Emissions Reduction, Local Food & Agriculture, Water Quality Protection & Conservation, Stewardship and Sustainability. 

The Okanagan Lake Foreshore Inventory & Mapping 

“Okanagan Lake is one of, if not the most important feature of our region. The lake is a significant revenue source because it supplies key services such as tourism, recreation, and agriculture, and supports our cities and rural areas in numerous ways. The lake also provides key environmental services such as fish and wildlife habitat, drinking or irrigation waters for many valley residents, and flood and drought protection. The economic and environmental value of this feature for local residents cannot be underestimated (ECOSCAPE ENVIRONMENTAL CONSULTANTS LTD. 2017)”. The Okanagan Lake Foreshore Report was meant to show the significance that the foreshore (that part of shore between high and low water marks) provides for both biological and ecological values. Some examples: critical habitat for shore spawning kokanee, wildlife, birds and numerous rare plants and species. These shorelines are also essential for successful ecosystem connectivity and are extremely sensitive to disturbances. The purpose of the report was to provide a summary of the current condition, observed modifications, and general disturbances of Okanagan Lake. “The update of the FIM information allows for a comparison over time and the identification of trends into the future. This information will be useful in assessing the current status of Okanagan Lake. It will also serve as an aid in developing land use policies, regulations and standards to increase long term environmental planning capabilities for the protection of aquatic and riparian habitat (ECOSCAPE ENVIRONMENTAL CONSULTANTS LTD. 2017)”. 

Composting & Reducing Food Waste 

Until fairly recently Vernon did not have a system in place for the composting of food waste so in order to held reduce the amount of food waste Vernon has created a community bin program. With 4 locations spread across the city Vernon is diverting a substantial amount of green waste away from the landfills and is able to compost the materials, which helps the local Greenhouse Gas emissions.  

Climate Action Development Plan  

The City of Vernon is developing a Climate Action Plan (CAP). The plan will combine mitigation and adaptation actions, taking opportunities to integrate these into low-carbon resilience strategies where feasible. Low carbon resilience (LCR) actions are those that reduce community vulnerability to the impacts of climate change and emissions at the same time. Often these actions promote co-benefits, advancing other resilience-building priorities. The Climate Action Plan will identify both corporate and community-wide actions (Climate Action, 2020)”. The purpose of this plan is to help transition towards a climate- ready Vernon by 2050 with the goal of become a zero emissions community in the same time.  

2020 Vernon Tree Program  

The City of Vernon is continuously working to promote a healthy, enjoyable and safe community by encouraging residents to plant trees. Trees can help offer energy cost savings by providing shade, reduce sound and dust pollution to your property, and reduce the impacts of storm water on flood events – all while enhancing the value of your property. As part of the 2020 Vernon Tree Program, receive a $25 voucher toward the purchase of a shade tree at Swan Lake Nurseryland to plant on your own property (2020 Vernon Tree Program, 2020)”! 



Sustainability Grants. (2020, July 29). Retrieved December 03, 2020, from 

2020 Sustainability Grants launched to encourage sustainable action. (2020, July 03). Retrieved December 03, 2020, from 

Phase 2 of Pilot Community Food Composting Project launches. (2020, June 26). Retrieved December 03, 2020, from 

Composting & Reducing Food Waste. (2020, October 23). Retrieved December 03, 2020, from 

Vernon Climate Action Plan. (n.d.). Retrieved December 03, 2020, from 

Climate Action. (2020, October 23). Retrieved December 03, 2020, from 

2020 Vernon Tree Program. (2020, October 23). Retrieved December 03, 2020, from